Let us clean your home’s exterior windows and facades. Our proprietary cleaning solution and straight-forward pricing make regular exterior home maintenance simple.
Our drone thermal scanner maps every inch of your property with high resolution images as well as thermal information to detect leaks and other issues before they become costly.
Leveraging technology to ensure 100% project coverage.
Drones can clean and inspect buildings 10x more per hour than traditional methods.
Advanced collision detection system. Techniques are safe for children and pets.
Shorter time on-site with better results allows for more regular maintenance.
Elimination of human error and no need for rappelling, lifts, booms or scaffolding.
Less water, zero environmental footprint, and non-toxic cleansers.
Find building flaws during thermal inspections.
SprayTech was born from the desire to improve current methods of maintaining properties: cleaning and inspecting. We use spray and thermal mapping drones to revolutionize the cleaning and building inspection industry while giving back to our community and minimizing our carbon footprint.